September 23, 2020
Halloween in COVID times 🎃 How to celebrate halloween safely. Guide
The Halloween celebrations are not canceled! but certain preventive indications must be followed to be able to enjoy it safely without risk of spreading the coronavirus pandemic.
“Please note. If you test positive for COVID-19, or have you been in contact with a positive, you will not be able to do any of the activities mentioned in this article. Stay home and contact your doctor as soon as possible.“
These are the most essential tips for celebrating Halloween during the coronavirus pandemic:
- Wear a Halloween-themed cloth mask (Do not wear a costume mask over a protective cloth mask because it can be dangerous if the costume mask makes it hard to breathe). You can find thousands of Halloween-themed cloth mask on Etsy.
- Take a bottle of alcohol-based hand sanitizer with you, and use it every time you need it. For example, before touching your face or after touching any street furniture.
- Keep the recommended social distance, stay at least 6 feet (about 2 arms’ length) from other people who are not from your household. This includes no handshakes, kisses or hugs.

Should I make trick-or-treat at my house?
Yes, we are allowed to trick-or-treat with children on Halloween night, but it is imperative to do so by following the safety indications:
- Wash your hands before handling candy.
- Have individual bags ready for each child and leave them on the porch of your house, so the children can safely take them while keep the social distance.
- Keep the recommended safe distance. Don’t let them get closer than 6 feet from your door.
- Wear a protective mask if you want to go out to greet someone.

Should I let my kids trick or treating?
Yes, we are allowed to go trick-or-treat this year, but always following the security measures mentioned above. Accompany your child to make sure that they comply with these recommendations at all times.
Ideas for celebrating Halloween in quarantine:
If you have decided to stay home this Halloween, it is also a good plan! These are some funny ideas to celebrate the Halloween night without going outside:
- Decorate your house with crafts made by yourself and with materials that you have at home or can order online. There are thousands of tutorials on Youtube for making Halloween crafts. Several days of family fun guaranteed!
- Horror movie night. Spend Halloween night with a good set of horror movies.
- Costume contest! If you are several people at home, have a scary or fun costume contest.
- Video call with friends or family. How about a scary video call in costumes? You can have fun without having to be in direct contact with someone. Start the video call and let it run the whole party!
- Learn a Halloween dance. This could be a great way to get some exercise and laugh together as a family. Search YouTube for “monster mash dance,” “monster shuffle”, or choreograph your own, featuring your child’s best moves! Practice then perform, preferably in costume.
- Make a photo booth. Prepare a scene or photocall, a set of accessories and costumes, and let the party begin! Laughter guaranteed. You can find thousands of Halloween photo booths on Etsy.
If you have more ideas to celebrate Halloween at home, share them in the comments section! Thank you!

What are the CDC recommendations for celebrating Halloween?
CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) recently released a list of activities grouped by risk level (lower, moderate and higher risk):
Lower risk activities:
- Carving pumpkins with members of your household.
- Decorating your house.
- Doing a Halloween scavenger hunt.
- Having a virtual Halloween costume contest.
- Having a Halloween movie night with people you live with.
Moderate risk activities:
- Participating in one-way trick-or-treating where individually wrapped goodie bags are lined up for families to grab and go.
- Having a small group, outdoor, open-air costume parade where people are distanced more than 6 feet apart.
- Attending a costume party held outdoors where protective masks are used and people can remain more than 6 feet apart.
- Going to an open-air, one-way, walk-through haunted forest where appropriate mask use is enforced, and people can remain more than 6 feet apart.
- Visiting pumpkin patches or orchards where people use hand sanitizer before touching pumpkins or picking apples, wearing masks is encouraged or enforced, and people are able to maintain social distancing.
- Having an outdoor Halloween movie night with local family friends with people spaced at least 6 feet apart.
Higher risk activities (Please AVOID these activities):
- Participating in traditional trick-or-treating where treats are handed to children who go door to door.
- Having trunk-or-treat where treats are handed out from trunks of cars lined up in large parking lots.
- Attending crowded costume parties held indoors.
- Going to an indoor haunted house where people may be crowded together and screaming.
- Going on hayrides or tractor rides with people who are not in your household.
- Using alcohol or drugs, which can cloud judgement and increase risky behaviors.
- Traveling to a rural fall festival that is not in your community if you live in an area with community spread of COVID-19.
You can read the full article on the CDC website.
From PlagueDoctorMasks we hope that you all enjoy a great Halloween party this year! 🎃 😃 👻